Of course, this means actually walking down Sligo Avenue, which is always a crap-shoot - especially between Fenton and Georgia. Cars and trucks are often parked over the sidewlk - forcing pedestrians to step into the roadway into oncoming traffic - while trying not to soak their feet in the oily green puddles left from the auto repair shops that line the south side from Fenton to Georgia.
And then there is this nasty little trip hazard...
Sticking-up from the sidewalk is a two-foot-long piece of steel embedded into the concrete.It is broken and bent down to the surface of the sidewalk, but was obviously intended to help shore-up the nearby utility pole. It has been here for years, and is often accompanied by one or more trucks that make the passage even more adventurous.
One must either learn to accept this part of the journey, or drive to Jackie's. If you trip over it because you had a couple of drinks with dinner, it's your own damn fault.
I have reported this location directly to MCDOT many times over the years, but it's still here.
View Montgomery Sideways in a larger map
Is this piece of long-time-broken infrasturcture the responsibility of Pepco, of MCDOT?
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