Yesterday we headed to Safeway in the afternoon, and I stopped to take photos of the ever-widening hole forming around one of the pole-tandems on our street. We ran into our neighbors on their way out, and I got an earful about these poles. The law of unintended consequences is clearly at work here, I thought. I tried to do something good by demanding that these poles be replaced according to modern standards - and the law. What happened as a result made me feel a little guilty, standing there listening to her.
These sidewalks have had problems almost continually since I have lived here - 13 years. No matter what I do, MCDOT can't seem to get this worked out. It is almost like being pubished for asking for help in the first place. I ask them to fix the poles - they make them worse. I ask again - they hold an event right next to the crazy double-pole thing, and no one says a word. The County Executive speaks while standing RIGHT NEXT to the poles and doesn't notice. All the cameras are on HIM. The focus is on what is happening in the street. The poles are completely ignored. Five months later, and the poles are still here. MCDOT might as well give me the finger.
Hundreds of people walk down Sligo Avenue everyday. Some , because they want to - others, because they must. The street is dotted with apartment buildings, and the Ride-on bus is busy here. Drivers and Bicyclists have few problems, because the road surface is FABULOUS. The sidewalks are second-class. Industry and government turning their backs on those who don't OWN.
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