I spent a lot of time out and about this weekend. We shopped the Fresh Farm Farmers' Market, had dinner at union Station, and went to Rockville via Metro to look for computer parts. I noticed that drivers were particularly impatient this weekend. People were taking more risks than usual in response to backed-up traffic and general driving annoyances. It seemed that everywhere I went there were drivers speeding, running lights, honking their horns, and generally pushing limits.
Here are a few of the situations I came across on the sideways this weekend.

This truck was parked across the sidewalk on Easley Street near Fenton - at the Shell Station. I walked by this location several times over a few hours and it was not parked here temporarily. I saw pedestrians walking in the stret to get past this location.

A Crossing Guard on duty near the Silver Spring Metro on Friday evening. These Crossing Guards do a great job, and really keep things afe at these busy intersections.

The Greyhound Terminal on Sligo Avenue. Several times a day cars are parked over the sidewalk here.

Wire from a chain link fence at the corner of Sligo Avenue and Mayor Lane is a dangerous trip hazard. It's been like this for a long time, but it's getting worse.

Once again, the passage in front of the Fire Station One restaurant is blocked. You can't go to the outside because A firetruck is blocking the way. On the inside, seating stacked chair are stored in the way. A person in a wheelchair could not get by unless someone offered to help move these heavy wrought-iron seats out of the way. What gives this restaurant the right to do this???

The intersection of Silver Spring and Georgia Avenues. Again, at the location of Fire Station One. A car pulled into the crosswalk. ( Taken after I crossed - I just missed getting the cross signal white.) Notice the Fire Truck parked to the edge of Georgia Avenue.

Pedestrians walking around several cars stopped in the crosswalk at Wayne and Georgia Avenues.