On my way home from downtown Silver Spring this morning I came across Lake bonifant again - a scenic spot that appears when it rains or snows. I love watching the waves rolling in each time a car splashes through - but don't stand too close unless you enjoy a nice spritz to start the day. Hey, if your feet get wet it's your own damn fault for not wearing galoshes.
But seriously - this is dangerous. A pedestrian who is distracted by being splashed of having to tippy-toe through the puddles is not watching the traffic. It also encourages jaywalking . Who wants to stand there and wait to get splashed??? forcing pedestrians to cross outside of the crosswalk here, MCDOT is basically saying that it is OK to jaywalk in Montgomery County - Go ahead - do what you have to do...
In the video you will see a woman get sprayed by a passing car, and then cross against the signal. You will see several other people come into frame from the right side - who have just crossed several yards to the right of the crosswalk. You will also see people who get their feet soaked crossing in the crosswalk. Notice the waves as the course across the puddle...
Montgomery County is participating in the problem it is hoping to solve with enforcement. The Police and MCDOT are working at cross-purposes here.
View Montgomery Sideways in a larger map I know that MCDOT has been aware of this problem for some time - because I have told them about it many times. This location is across from the new Library site and a major pedestrian thoroughfare to Downtown Silver Spring.Fenton Street was recently paved here. The new asphalt is only a couple of feet away. It's very annoying and shows a complete lack of regard for pedestrians, but more than that - it is very dangerous.
Wednesday evening I headed from my home on Sligo Avenue to Docs in Progress on First Avenue. It was 6:30, overcast and a light rain had just begun to fall. I crossed over Georgia at Bonifant and headed north when I cam to the intersection of Georgia and Wayne - where the crosswalk was blocked.
View Montgomery Sideways in a larger map I took these photos.... I was in a hurry and the photos didn't come out too well, but you can still see that this is completely inappropriate for the amount of pedestrian traffic that comes through here. It is poorly marked, and a disabled person would have a real problem here. It is an extremely dangerous situation for anyone, especially considering the nature of the traffic here. How long has it been like this? I don't know. Let's see how long it takes from here...
I stepped between the tre and the fencing to get through and cross Wayne. A person in a wheelchair would have to go down to Dixon Avenue to cross - assuming that isn't block as well. No signs say this, so one might expect a disabled person to use their best judgment, I guess. Seems like a flimsy fall-back plan to me.
... and then, there are the intersections at Bonifant, Silver Spring, and Sligo Avenues to do. the other side of Georgia Avenue.SHA is responsible for making thinks OK for pedestrians during all phases of planning and construction. The photos here show that this site does not meet that requirement at all.